I tried pegasus mail before, but when I tried it, it didn't understand
imap/tls or smtp/tls.  So far, the only windows client I've found that
does these two correctly is outlook/outlook epxress.  Which is too bad,
because I have to use windows here at work, and I'd rather use something
else. :(
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, July 10, 2003 2:03 AM
Subject: Re: Had enough

> On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 10:53:01PM +0200, Leonard den Ottolander
> >  We are drifting slightly off topic here, but if you need a decent
> > under Windows you should try Pegasus mail (http://www.pmail.com).
It's the
> > main reason I still keep rebooting between Windows and Linux on this
> Or you could install Cygwin and use mutt - which is what I did after
> about a day of Outhouse/Outhouse Excess. They're both *far* to painful
> to use, never mind the fact that they encourage users to use bad
> and excessive quoting. <grrr>
> Cheerio,
> Thomas
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