Hi Reuben, > Are you saying you're booting to Windows to get a decent mail client?
I expressed myself a little poorly. I actually ment to say two things: 1) If you need a decent mail program under Windows please drop Outlook (Express) and use Pegasus Mail. Very nice program, no problem with disabling html and it doesn't automatically open dangerous attachments in a browser. (Eudora is not too bad either.) 2) The reason I keep rebooting to Windows for my mail is not because I don't think there are decent mail clients available for Linux. It's just that I have an archive of hundreds of thousands of messages which are easily accessible with my current email program. It's probably possible to migrate all this stuff to Linux, but for now I find that too much trouble, thus I stick to rebooting to Windows for my email. But there will come a day... :) Bye, Leonard. -- How clean is a war when you shoot around nukelar waste? Stop the use of depleted uranium ammo! End all weapons of mass destruction. -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] https://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/redhat-list