On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 13:57, Timothy Stone wrote:
> I have an opportunity to promote the rapid adoption of opensource 
> backend solution using Linux. I need to have a 30,000 ft view, or 
> better, of making this work:
> Situation:
> I have 600+ clients on Windows desktops. Each connects to a mainframe 
> data application via IBM Personal Communications 3270 Terminal Emulation 
> over telnet (ugh!).
> What I know:
> x3270 works on a RHL 8 server that I use as a testbed. I know that I can 
> use x3270 on this machine natively. Securing the communication channel 
> over SSH is very possible and most definitely preferred over telnet (ugh!)
> What I need to know:
> To reduce licensing costs (a goal of my employer!) I can foresee 
> deploying access to the x3270 application via a Windoze X client.
> Simplicity in deployment is key. Installing cygwin and running X on 600+ 
> machines might be to difficult and would face serious pushback. Trading 
> one license cost for another (e.g. Hummingbird) should be avoided.
> Any ideas?
> Help me entrench Linux just a bit more and promote OSS. Thanks!

I wonder if a vnc client could do this?  I have no idea what sort of
resources would be required for 600 concurrent users. Might be worth
looking at though.  IIRC vnc is easy to install on windows and then you
would be running x3270 on a linux box and, through vnc, displaying the
app on the windows box.

All that comes to mind right now.


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