--- "Shaun T. Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It can be implentment not like Kazaa, where the user is given EXPLICIT permission on 
what to run, how to run. Beside since it is Open Source, there is NO way that software 
can "steal" CPU cycle like Kazaa. Moreover, all beta-testing code MUST be open source 
for similar reason. You worry, take a look at the code!
  I understand this require a lot of trust. But the reason I push this idea is I 
SUSPECT MS-Window (Especially Win-XP) has already running something like this WITHOUT 
your permission, thereby they get the advantage of testing their program under many 
different hardware platforms. If you don't trust other people who run "unknown" codes 
in your computer, why would use closed source product like MS stuff?
  Anyhow, it is run under PROTECTED MODE, in Linux we can make that as separate from 
other operation of computer as possible.

>Ed Wilts wrote:
>> Not on my system you don't.
>Likewise. My first thought was this was going to be like Kazaa, where 
>they sell your cpu cycles to other people, without your knowledge. It 
>seems it's not that bad though, but it'll never get on my machine. I 
>don't trust people I don't know, to run arbitrary code on my system.
>       -ste
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