I am running vsftpd on a RedHat 9.0 professional server.

Following 'service vsftpd status' i get "vsftpd dead but subsys locked"

The server was working fine. Monday morning at 7:30am files were uploaded to the server. At 8am we rebooted the server. After the restart the error started.

I have posted to linuxquestions.org, sent an e-mail to chris at beasts.org, spoken with RedHat tech support. No luck so far.

Here is what I have tried to date:
Restart vsftpd
Restart xinetd
reboot server
remove lock file from /var/lock/subsys/ and restart service
remove lock file from /var/lock/subsys/ , touch /var/lock/subsys/vsftpd restart service
remove lock file and start vsftpd
remove lock file touch and start service
remove lock file touch and restart xinetd
remove lock file touch and reboot
remove lock file and reboot
check all log files, nothing of notice on failure
check config file. config file never changed and replaced with a back up copy (I have two of every config file)

Please can't someone help me?

Thank you,


Mark Stevens
Manager, Localization Technologies

Prisma International, Inc.
204 North First Street
Minneapolis, MN 55401 USA

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