On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 12:59:35PM -0700, Jason Williams wrote:
> I need to install a mailing list manager on my mail server, which is 
> running postfix.
> Mailman comes highly recommended, but im not familiar with it.
> Majordomo i've used before, but im a little rusty with it.
> I wanted to get some feedback and opinions on these two programs to see 
> which of the two would fit my needs.
> Here is what I need:
> Going to use about 6-7 mailing list, that for the most part, are only going 
> to be used by our internal mail users. We are not running external that 
> will require people to join our list.
> So basically, I need a list I can create and then just add my users to it 
> so they can receive their email.
> I also noticed that mailman requires apache. From what i gathered, so users 
> can subscribe and unsubscribe at their leasure. This is extra as our users 
> will not have a choice to subsribe or unsubscribe.

I don't think Mailman actually *requires* apache - it should run totally
in command-line mode.  Some of the commands, in fact, require you to
drop to command-line mode (like running newaliases, and in older
version, even creating the list).

Apache also gives the users the option to look at the archives, but I'm
guessing you're not going be creating archives anyway.

Setting up mailman isn't hard, and you can edit the list configurations
entirely through the shell (config_list to output the current to a text
file, vi the file, and then config_list to import the config).

I've never run majordomo, but mailman is fairly easy to use for most
cases.  Support on the mailman list is excellent if you ever run into
anything strange.

I happen to be subscribed to Red Hat's Community Ambassador Program
mailing list.  That list is hosted on one of their internal servers that
has no direct external connectivity so I can't do anything with my
subscription unless I ask them to make the change.  It's working fine
for me and we've been exchanging e-mail for well over a year.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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