At 12:21 AM 20-04-98 -0600, you wrote:
>As did RH 4.2 install, 5.0 sucks as well.  I don't know why they make them
>so terribly, but they do.  I tried to upgrade my system.  I only had about
>40 megs free.  RH 5.0 upgrade tried to install 220M when I didn't tell it
>too.  It just said that it had found the packages that needed to be
>upgraded.  I did not install 220 megs of packages on my 4.2 install.  Why
>does it do this?  Another thing that sucks is that it doesn't auto detect if
>you have enough HD space, it just goes ahead until it has an error.  Now I
>tried to reinstall completely without an upgrade, and it doesn't install
>You would think that if RH was going to take on such a project as
>customizing linux, they would at least have a good install program!!!!!!!

I'm not sure what your problem is. RH 5.0 was my first Linux dist. and I
never had problems like that. I would suggest a complete new install. Check
the size of your partition(s) to make sure they're big enough. You'll also
need to check the "select individual packages" option so you can carefully
weed out non-essential ones. 40 megs is really pushing the low end from what
I know. And,no there is to autodetect for HD space except you can watch the
numbers on the bottom of the screen about how many packages are installed
and what space they use. Hope this helps some. 

Phil Bennett

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