Only process I see is:

root      2673     1  0 23:37 ?        00:00:08
nautilus --sm-config-prefix /nau tilus-T58KB6/
--sm-client-id 117f000001000106108779800000029570003
--screen 0 fi le:///var/lib/rpm

Not sure how to kill this. So I restart the computer
and its still there. Im using RH 9 btw.

But export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 did work. So does
this mean I have to do that eveytime? is there another

--- Ian Mortimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Doh! after like 3 mins I get this error message:
> > 
> > error: db4 error(16) from dbenv->remove: Device or
> > resource busy
> It would be worth checking for any running rpm
> processes:
>    ps -ef | grep rpm
> You need to kill them (probably with -KILL if
> they're hung).
> When there are no running rpm processes do as
> before: rm the
> __ lock files and run `rpm -vv --rebuilddb'.
> > > while? Cause think its working but its going on
> for
> > > some time and the __somefile i moved were put
> back
> > > in.
> > > That suppose to happen?
> Yes.  Running with -vv helps because you can tell if
> it's
> doing something or if it's hung.
> Is this RedHat 8.0 by any chance?
> -- 
> Ian
> -- 
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