On Wed, Aug 20, 2003 at 03:41:42PM -0700, Cliff Wells wrote:
> > At one time we could boast that Linux could perform well on low-end 
> > hardware but such is no longer the case.  Linux Likes RAM!  As does any 
> > other OS out there.
> Sort of true.  For a desktop, I think Linux is a bit hungrier than
> Windows.

I disagree. I still run Linux machines with GUI on 64MB and 48MB and
the only Windows that could match the performance on those machines is
Win95 and lower (even a fresh Win98 install started swapping wildly
rather soon on those boxes). Linux gives me the choice to use a lean
GUI that only provides the features I need. Windows does not give me
that option and hence forces me to use bigger hardware for a desktop
machine. IMO, if you want the same, bloated GUI feature set as you
have in Windows, then yes, you might end up with higher memory use
than Windows, as you have to use the likes of GNOME or KDE. On the
other hand, if you need less options from a GUI, Linux (or in fact
*any* *nix) gives you a lot more options than Windows does.


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