On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 14:17, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>  Ignoring recommended patches - whether from Redhat, 
> Microsoft, IBM, or whomever - will bite you in the CPU one day. 

Yes, but .... with Linux and other *NIX OS's I can install most
patches on a running system without a need to shut it down or
reboot.  With MS most any change meant a reboot in the past; they are
getting a bit better, but still rather archaic to require most of the
reboots it does.

> Never once has it been suggested that I "recompile the Windows OS" to get 
> maximum performance from my computer; 

Of course it has not been recommended; you cannot!  You do not get the
source.  Many, many things *could* be optimized in MS OS's *if* you
had the source.   Not an option.  As it is, there are many arcane things
to be done on Windows to optimize performance; slumming around in the
registry and modifying values, adding keys, etc. is de rigeur in the 
Windows world, and much more time consuming that compiling a kernel.
Try optimizing the MTU on you NT machines! Trivial command line in 
Linux, done on running machine; registry key addition and reboot on 

> "re-compile the kernel" in response to a question about Linux performance. 

Of course.  Distributions come with kernels with lots of stuff stashed 
in their that most folks never need.  Slim it down, get better
performance.  If I have many similar computers, I recompile once and
then distribute to many.  Rather efficient.  Try moving your registry
key changes from machine to machine (yes, you can export parts of the 
tree, but if you have many changes, that is a lot of exports and

>  I read stories where someone has seen a performance increase after 
> replacing Windows with Linux, I personally have yet to see it. Anecdotally 
> (ie, with no benchmarks) my Dell Latitude is about half as speedy running 
> in Linux as it in Windows.  To get the same performance from Linux, would 
> I need to get a faster computer?  Something else to factor into the TCO.

Depends on the use of the machine.  For *any* server function I can get
better performance from Linux on almost any box.  For desktop, it
depends on what the person runs.  Still, if you chuck the popular
bloatware (Gnome and KDE) for the desktop, it is a race that Linux can
win in a majority of cases.  Need to know the OS and the pieces.

>  For me, and probably 90%+ of the admins out there, 
> it's far easier to recover from a security breech in a MS-based system (or 
> network) than a Linux-based one.  Why?  Because it's what we know - and 
> therefore is likely to be the least costly alternative. 

And 90%+ of Windows admins are deluding themselves into believing they 
have recovered from incidents.  In most cases I can scan their machines
and find backdoors open on obscure ports, registry keys left in place
that open other vulnerabilities, etc.  90%+ of Windows admins recover
from incidents using a cookbook method:  install this patch, reboot,
run the virus scanner, delete all infected files ... blah blah blah.
They do not understand enough to know that one penetration often
engenders other intrusions, and the damage can be much broader than the
simple situation they believe they have under control.  Yes most admins
are more comfortable fixing Windows problems, but that is because they
do not understand the problems and are delusionally comfortable with 
following a cookbook.

> I stand by my statement about viruses and worms - as Linux desktops become 
> more prevalent, so will the Linux-based malware.  Why desktops?  Because 
> that's what the "uninformed" (1) will be using and abusing; the same type 
> of problems we see on Windows desktops will be seen on Linux desktops. 

Yes, there will be malware, but the OS will provide *much* better
protection and the scope of the problem will be less than what we have
seen from the never-ending parade of stuff hitting the MS world.  Not
allowing users to change system configs (aka registry keys) and not
allowing them to open all devices and ports, like most Windows user
can, protects the machine, the network, and the world from most malware.
There have been multiple attempts to introduce virii and worms into
the *NIX world; so far only a few have succeeded (e.g., the Morris worm
from the mid 80's); the *NIX world learned and moved away from giving
services and users the types of access needed to propogate these beasts.

- rick 

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