On Fri, 2003-08-22 at 12:40, Otto Haliburton wrote:
> There were previous posting.  His question was /boot is full.  The
> original response was to go to /boot and delete old kernels.  That is
> where RH places them and never deletes them.  It distinguishes them with
> labels.  It was suggested that he uses rpm's and I suggested that not
> every user installs using rpm's.  Top posting is acceptable to me
> because I don't need to constantly review what was previously stated and
> waste my time by constantly going to the end of the message.  It is my
> suggestion that all replies to messages only containing the response or
> top post so that the reader can review if he wants to or not review if
> he chooses.

You neglect to consider the readability of your messages for thousands
of other readers.  As far as the rest of the /boot stuff goes, I'm
considering this thread dead.  You're in defensive mode now, and
everyone realizes you screwed up.

> Some people only respond to the last email sent and consequently end up
> like you uninformed on what was previously posted.  Which is why you are
> against top posting.

No, I'm against top posting because threads are often non-linear.  That
is to say, that they routinely have multiple forks from different
submitters.  This causes a "leaf node" effect, where readers have to dig
back down through the emails to figure out WHO you might be replying to
and WHAT you're talking about.  In short, it's rude.

Congratulations, you've made it to my filters.

Jason Dixon, RHCE
DixonGroup Consulting

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