On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 01:03:56PM -0400, Jason Dixon wrote:
> Kent, please don't yell at me, because I completely support what
> you've stated.  I just wanted to suggest that the "-F" flag *not* be
> used for upgrading a kernel, regardless of what Red Hat suggests.
> IMO, it's much safer to install ("-i") the new kernel beside the new
> one, reboot to test it, *then* delete the old kernel ("-e").  This
> way, you don't drastically screw something up before you realize it.

That makes fine sense, in fact that is what I did with the most recent
Redhat kernel release because of what I read in this thread.
(Particularly because I don't have a CD ROM drive for this notebook.)

I was responding to a post that said Redhat fills up /boot with old
kernels, when Redhat actually does nothing of the sort.  


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