On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 08:37:57PM -0300, Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto wrote:
> Ronald W. Heiby wrote:
> > If, when you copy a sparse file, you do not take precautions to have
> > the copy also be sparse, the copy gets "filled in" and has a bunch of
> > bytes of 0x00 actually allocated on disk. Looks like that happened
> > here.
> > 
> > Ron.
>    Well, I'm quite sure I never copied it anywhere.. one time I vi'd it and it took 
> forever for
> vi to load it, with a lot of disk scratching.. bet that was it.. Can you tell me how 
> to fix this?

Perhaps you saved the file from within vi. That might "unsparse" the

Read up on the --sparse option of cp ("man cp"). It looks like the
following will work: (warning! I have not tried this!)

        cd /var/log
        mv lastlog lastlog-orig
        cp --sparse=always lastlog-orig lastlog
        du -h lastlog
        rm lastlog-orig

Robert C. Paulsen, Jr.

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