On Fri, Aug 22, 2003 at 09:39:40PM -0300, Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto wrote:
> Robert C. Paulsen Jr. wrote:
> > Perhaps you saved the file from within vi. That might "unsparse" the
> > file.
>    Yes.. but perhaps I didn't. :)
> > Read up on the --sparse option of cp ("man cp"). It looks like the
> > following will work: (warning! I have not tried this!)
> > 
> >     cd /var/log
> >     mv lastlog lastlog-orig
> >     cp --sparse=always lastlog-orig lastlog
> >     du -h lastlog
> >     rm lastlog-orig
>  That worked perfectly.. wait a minute..
>  weren't you the guy asking for help in the first place? :)

Yup. But my lastlog file was already sparse. I just didn't associate the
concept (sparse files, which I knew about) with this real-life example
since I hadn't run into it before and the concept was buried deep in my
subconscious. I learned from my experience!

Robert C. Paulsen, Jr.

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