El Mar 26 Ago 2003 09:57, T. Ribbrock escribió:
> On Tue, Aug 26, 2003 at 10:29:43PM +1000, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> > On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 22:19, T. Ribbrock wrote:
> > > Wrong question. The correct question is: Why on earth does he have a
> > > 13+ line long signature, ignoring Netiquette?
> [...]
> > Dunno. But it's better than the attached legalese spouting forth from
> > some that live behind a corporation...
> Agreed... :-}

Just had to reply to show my sig! :-)
OK, no big deal, just a lousy PHP script, but I kind of like what it does. I 
think I'll change the uptime for some other aplication.... maybe uname -a? 

Cool idea Stephan!!!

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Martín Marqués                  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Programador, Administrador, DBA |       Centro de Telematica
                       Universidad Nacional
                            del Litoral

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