Ian L wrote:

At 04:39 PM 9/5/2003, you wrote:

At 11:25 6/09/2003, you wrote:

I recently downloaded the updated kernel rpm and instead of doing rpm -i, i did rpm -U and replaced the existing kernel. I havent rebooted the machine yet so its still running the old kernel.

i have 2 questions:

1. is there some way i can get the old kernel back? I'm a little worried about rebooting in case the new kernel doesnt work for some reason.

You should be able to re-download your old kernel and just rpm -ivh <file>

don't forget to get the SMP one :-)

Well, i cant seem to find the SMP version. I looked on the redhat ftp mirrors, and the closest i found were:

^^^^ Unless you don't have a PII or better the i686 is what you need. Red Hat doesn't compile a i386 smp kernel rpms any more. (Mainly as almost no one has an smp 486, or 386.)


I'm guessing anything other then i386 isnt going to work, but i didnt see an i386 smp version.

Nope, those two files are gone, i assume replaced when i upgraded. I was assuming lilo would update itself when i rebooted. I just dont want to reboot until i can get the old kernel back, and get the smp version of the new kernel. I've looked on the redhat update ftp site and i did not see any smp version of the kernel. Although there is an smp version for i586 and i686. Maybe i'm getting a little screwed up with my cpu architecture. Are xeon cpu's i686? because thats what in the machine, 2 xeon cpu's.

Xeons aren't really i686's. The i686 means the kernel was compiled with the CONFIG_M686 option set. This turns on the Pentium Pro optimatizations. These will work and make things faster on Pentium Pros, P2, P3, P4, and as well as the Xeon P2, P3, and P4s. (In theroy you might want to compile your own kernel with CONFIG_MPENTIUM4, but I've never noticed any performance increases.)

-- Once you have their hardware. Never give it back. (The First Rule of Hardware Acquisition) Sam Flory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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