On Fri, 5 Sep 2003, Ian L wrote:

> At 04:39 PM 9/5/2003, you wrote:
> >At 11:25 6/09/2003, you wrote:
> >>I recently downloaded the updated kernel rpm and instead of doing rpm -i, 
> >>i did rpm -U and replaced the existing kernel. I havent rebooted the 
> >>machine yet so its still running the old kernel.
> >>
> >>i have 2 questions:
> >>
> >>1. is there some way i can get the old kernel back? I'm a little worried 
> >>about rebooting in case the new kernel doesnt work for some reason.
> >
> >You should be able to re-download your old kernel and just rpm -ivh <file>
> >
> >don't forget to get the SMP one :-)
> Well, i cant seem to find the SMP version. I looked on the redhat ftp 
> mirrors, and the closest i found were:

Two ideas:

1) If you upgraded from the original kernel, you should be able to install 
it from your CDs.

2) If you had a different kernel, do a uname -a and post it here.  Unless 
you compiled your own kernel, there's a good chance that one of us has an 
old copy lying around on one of our machines and would be willing to post 
it somewhere for you to download.  I know that I have the following on a 
machine at work:



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