> MKlinke wrote:


The technique you describe below builds a new bootable image on the
destination disk. I would assume that the destination disk would have to be
partitioned exactly the same as the source?

Would I would like to do is ghost my operational system to a removeable hard
disk on a second machine as a file. I.e., I would like to create a file of the
 source file as a total system backup. Should the source system need to be
rebuilt, I would like to be able to dd the file on the destination disk back
to the source disk. In case of hardware failure or intrusion I want to be able
to recover quickly from a total system failure without having to apply patches
and tweaks that one does over the years to tune a system. 

My need is complete system backup rather than creating a mirror on a second
machine (much like what is discussed at 

http://www.rajeevnet.com/hacks_hints/os_clone/os_cloning.html ).

He uses NFS as well, which I do not have installed.

> >I've used this method with surprising success on linux and windows 
> >system alike. For example, I have a couple of desktop systems that are 
> >clones of my dual-OS (using grub) laptop.
> >
> >Boot up both systems with the bootnet.img and use "linux rescue" at the 
> >boot  prompt. (You'll need a network source for the redhat software)

I was thinking boot with the RH CD into rescue mode and have a floppy (or a
ZIP or CD, if nc is too big for a floppy) with the needed progams to avoid the
network source for the RH software?

> >
> >Proceed to a shell prompt on both systems
> >
> >On the destination (new disk you are creating) type:
> >"nc -l -p <port> | dd of=/dev/hdx"
> > 
> >On the source (system you wish to duplicate) type:
> > "dd if=/dev/hdx | nc <addr of other machine> <port as above>"

I.e., I'd like the clone on the destination hda to be a file rather than an
image. However, it may be easier to just partition the destination hda and
make an image except that the destination hda may not be the same size.

Also, could one not do the clone with the source system running as normal?
I.e., one would only need to linux rescue boot the destination (slave) machine?

At http://security.raffy.ch/index.php3?ogy.html, I found

>The Over the Network Approach

>On the receiver:
>nc -p 6666 -l > file
>nc -p 6666 -l -v -w 60 < /dev/null | gzip -dc | dd of=/dev/hda bs=512

However, I am not exactly sure why the two are equivalent?

>On the sender:
>cat data | gzip -c | nc -v -w 120 -p 6666 -l IP
>dd if=/dev/hda1 bs=512 | gzip -c | nc -v -w 60 IP -p 2020

Ditto here...

I have rambled a bit, but maybe you could please point me in the right direction?

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