>> 4. SpamAssassin 2.50 is pretty old.  You should upgrade it to 2.55.  There
>> were several bugs fixes added and the spammers started customizing the
emails to get around the rules in 2.50.  2.55 is MUCH better.
> Ack.  Well, I *had* installed the rpm for 2.44 at first, and then I was
stupid and installed the perl version of 2.50 on top of that.  I didn't
> to mess with it again until RH 10 (or fedora 10 or whatever RH is becoming)
> comes out, but you've convinced me.  I guess I'll take a couple of hours
tonight and rpm -e the 2.44 version and uninstall the 2.50 version, and
> to install the 2.55 version.  Will I need to re-install MS in order for
> to see the new SA, or will I just have to make those changes to the
configuration file that you mentioned?

There is no need to mess with MailScanner.  Also, if you check on the
SpamAssassin site you can find rpm's for RH 9.  The MailScanner folks
frown on using these rpm's but they've worked for me.  The other option is
to install SpamAssassin from CPAN.  That's pretty painless and it's
included in the SpamAssassin doc's.

>> 5. If you include the X-MailScanner id's in the header you should
>> the default.  Some of the latest virii are faking these header lines to be
>> X-MailScanner: found to be clean
>> since some people were screen on these.
> Um...what should I change it to, and in what file?

Almost all changes to MailScanner are done in the
/etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf file.  Read through the file slowly
(there's quite a bit in there but you shouldn't need to change the
defaults for most things).  If you send yourself a message and look at the
full headers you'll see that you are now including
"X-yoursite-MailScanner" lines.  Change the "yoursite" in the
MailScanner.conf file to something imaginative like "birdvet" that will be
unique to your server.

>> I suggest you make sure you're edited MailScanner.conf to tell it to
>> SpamAssassin and turn on the spamassassin display.  There are at least two
>> of these.  One shows the rules that were triggered and the other shows the
>> actual numeric scores.  If you want to see if razor is working then you
just need to turn on the rule hits (check the header of this message)
If you really get into this then instal DCC and pyzor.  SpamAssassin
>> automatically use them too.  Also, install ClamAV and turn it on inside of
>> MailScanner.  It's a great open source virus scanner.  MailScanner will
then scan all your emails with F-Prot and ClamAV.  The idea is that if
>> is a little slow in updating its virus files then other is likely picking
>> off the new variants!
> LOL....My server is just a dinky 866Mhz Celeron PIII!  If I'm running
> pyzor, DCC (whatever that is), f-prot and clam-av, won't my little
> overheat? ;)

I also have an 866Mhz Celeron and it is doing ok running all that stuff
AND a ton of other nonsense including DNS, DHCP, NTP, FAX, webmail, NEWS
and several MySQL apps + other stuff I can't remember.  All this works
just fine as long as I don't start up X-windows + Evolution...if I need X
I use another box.  The Celeron is just a server!


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