On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 03:14:35PM -0400, Buck wrote:
> Being a newbie to all this, I am a little confused.
> Here's what I am reading, someone tell me if I am right or wrong.
> 1.    a)  I just downloaded the free ISOs of Red Hat, booted my
> computer and installed RH 9.0 directly from them.
>       b)  This will no longer be available.

Wrong.  You'll still be able to download the free ISOs of Fedora. 

>       c)  Red Hat will make source code available for their Enterprise
> software at no cost.

They always have.  This isn't changing now.

>       d)  In order to get and use it for free, I have to compile all
> the sourcecode and produce my own executables etc.

Right.  You still won't get updates - RHEL is subscription based, unlike
most traditional products.

> 2.    a)  The Fedora Project is sponsored by Red Hat to help produce
> products similar to the 9.0 I just downloaded.


>       b)  Instead of downloading Red Hat ISOs, I will now be
> downloading Fedora ISOs to continue upgrading and working with my free
> version of Red Hat Linux.

> 3.    Will the Fedora Project Releases be compatible to existing Red
> Hat?  In other words, can I upgrade what I have to Fedora or will I have
> to start with Fedora from scratch?

Severn is the current beta for Fedora.  You can upgrade from RHL 9 to
Severn, although updates to/from betas are not (never have been)
supported.  Whether or not you can upgrade from a future product to an
even more future product is pure speculation at this point.  I doubt
that even Red Hat knows (although they may have goals).

> 4.    Will the Red Hat Enterprise software be allowed to be compiled
> and distributed freely without support?  I can see a new market on ebay
> for Red Hat ÕÑrprise compiled CDs and ISOs.


Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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