If there is no 9.0 what am I running?  Shrike is 9.0!  

I have both 8.0 and 9.0 cds.

Do you need the url?


-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Ed Wilts
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: Fedora

On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 05:20:42PM -0400, Buck wrote:
> I just talked to sales on the telephone.  From what he said, all the 
> features of the Red Hat Enterprise product is available on the 
> internet, just not assembled the same.  Version 2 is based on RH 7.1 
> (or 2) and version 3 will be based on RH 9.0.

I've heard it's based on 8.0.  There is no 9.0.

> In purchasing the enterprise
> products, a buyer has to sign a contract requiring them to have only 
> one machine per support contract or the contract is voided.

We purchased ES over the web.  We didn't sign anything.  

The license agreements are on the web - they're public, so consult your
own lawyer to see what you are and aren't allowed to do.

> Either compiling all the options or consolidating all the necessary 
> files for an Advanced server can get you a legitimate copy for free, 
> but the ease of installation, support, and updates will be more 
> difficult, if not impossible to keep up with.

Please note that Red Hat is only obligated under the GPL to distribute
the sources to those it distributes the binaries to, and that they don't
have to make those available via public FTP/Web servers.  If too many
people take away from Red Hat's revenue stream, I would expect them to
tighten down the hatches.

> As for the Up2Date, it seems to me that if that feature goes away, 
> then someone will recreate or modify it to be more flexible.  i.e.  
> Create a version that retrieves RPMs from volunteer sites or from a 
> server.  In other words, I download the rpms and save them on a 
> server.  The Up2Date upgrade on all my other computers sees the 
> updates and does its thing or I can assign a url or ip address to 
> gather the updates from someone elses site.  (Just a guess, I guess.)

There are already up2date clones out there.  Some people won't trust
them as much as they trust Red Hat though, especially in an enterprise
environment where you may need your security hole closed *now*.
Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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