On Thu, 2003-10-02 at 10:17, Sean Estabrooks wrote:
> On Wed, 01 Oct 2003 17:20:48 -0700
> Mike Klein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Given that sendmail.cf is by most sane individuals generated via the 
> > file sendmail.mc, what is the impact of updating sendmail via rhnupdate 
> > when I only get a sendmail.cf.rpmnew instead of a sendmail.mc.rpmnew?
> > 
> > Seems like I might be missing some crucial sendmail parms for 
> > security/etc. I certainly don't want to be backporting cf changes into 
> > an mc file. My sendmail book is like 3' thick...and I'm not worthy.
> > 
> > 
> Hi Mike,
> rhn up2date is based on rpm package management.   rpm is pretty smart
> about upgrading your system.   It knows what files are configuration files
> that have been modified by you.   In order to preserve your changes it
> does not overwrite configuration files that you've changed.   It will add
> the ".rpmnew" extension to the new file or save your current file with
> ".rpmsave".   Either way it will ensure you don't lose work, but you may
> have to do some tweaking after the upgrade.

Sean I think you missed his point. perhaps a better subject would be why
did I not get a sendmail.mc.rpmnew or why did sendmail upgrade overwrite
my sendmail.mc.  If this happened then I suggest a bug report be filed.


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