  I have been trying to install redhat 5.0 on a p233mmx machine.  It has a
4.0 gb Western Digital hard drive, that supports UltraDMA.  It also has a
Teac 24X cdrom, 33.6 modem that I know works with Redhat because I am
using it on another machine that runs redhat 5.0.  It would be a dual boot
system also with windows95 on it.  It has a diamond 2000 video card that I
know will be supported by Xwindows, and I have monitor that I have
documentation on.  When I built this machine, every part I put into it, I
put in with Linux in mind.  
        That is why I cannot figure out why when I tried to install
Redhat5.0 to my machine, it began to produce many errors.  I will try and
keep this short so as to keep any listeners attention.  I tried partioning
the hard drive for linux, splitting the dos partition at about 600 megs.
Then I created a root partition for linux trying to keep it below 1024
cylinders.  After that I created the second Dos partition of about 1.8
gigs.  I the proceeded to give linux about 2 gigs of space, based upon
different partitions of /usr , /home dirctories and the swap file.
        At this point I followed the install steps in setting up linux. 
At the point where the install program tried write the operating system
(not format) to the partitions I had a variety of errors.  Sometimes the
install program hung.  Sometimes the program would give error warning
signs and then hang.  My all time favorite was when the screen began to
change colors and spout messages in a disorganized fashion across the
screen.  I have installed Linux before.  The am using most of the same
parts that I used in the last linux machine I installed aside from the
harddrive, ram (SDRAM), and cdrom.  Every else in this machine I have
researched and they are supported. This should not have been a problem. 
I was lucky to get the hard drive back to a functional state, being that
disk druid would not allow me to completly delete the / and swap
        Please read this and please tell me if I made any errors.  If you
want more information I will be glad to send it to you.  I may try
installing redhat 4.2 to my machine instead.  I have never done an full
install of redhat 5, only upgrades.  If anyone has any ideas please send
me an e-mail.
                                                Dan Hughes

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