Hi there

just use the tar command and if size matters you can have it also compress
it into the gzip format (if you have the GNU tar). If not then you can
still use gzip to compress the tar file.

Let's say you have a directory called "public_html" that you want to
transfer. Go to the directory above public_html and type

tar cvf website.tar public_html

This will put all the files in the public_html- and subdirectories into the
tar-file. It will save all the path information starting with public_html

Now you can compress it with

gzip website.tar

And you end up with a file called "website.tar.gz"

Now use the ftp command to connect to your other host

ftp otherhost.com
Connected to otherhost.com.
220 otherhost.com FTP server (Version wu-2.4.2-academ[BETA-15](1) Tue Oct
7 13:12:59 PDT 1997) ready.
Name (ftp:login): yourloginname
331 Password required for yourloginname.
230 User yourloginname logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> hash
Hash mark printing on (1024 bytes/hash mark).
ftp> put website.tar.gz
local: website.tar.gz remote: website.tar.gz
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for website.tar.gz.
226 Transfer complete.
2003388 bytes sent in 5.54 seconds (361663 bytes/s)
ftp> bye

Now when you telnet to the otherhost.com you can use the tar command to
expand your site again:

gunzip -c website.tar.gz | tar xvf -

Now you should see a directory called public_html with all the files and
subdirectories in it. You might have to adjust the ownership and/or
permission on the files.


This is only one way, but usually one that works almost on all brands of
UNIX's and with most common sets of user permissions.
If you have more access to both systems and can set up trusted hosts you
could use rcp or rsh commands to simplify the task much further.

But the above will work almost always.



P.S. If your system doesn't have gzip installed you can also use the
compress command (part of all UNIX's). The resulting file extension will be
.Z and the command to uncompress it for the tar command would be

zcat website.tar.Z | tar xvf -

At 01:00 AM 4/30/98 -0700, you wrote:
>Hello All, 
>     I need some help with commands that would enable
>me to transfer a directory and all of its subs from one Linux
>box to another,  I want to use a telnet session to do it.  Looked
>though some commands but its seems vague for directories.
>Best Regards,
>Phil Blancett
>Black Oak Computers (owner)
>(800) 618-2463
>Fax  (520) 542-0391
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