On Thu, 30 Apr 1998, Serge Pluess wrote:

> Hi there
> just use the tar command and if size matters you can have it also compress
> it into the gzip format (if you have the GNU tar). If not then you can
> still use gzip to compress the tar file.
> Let's say you have a directory called "public_html" that you want to
> transfer. Go to the directory above public_html and type
> tar cvf website.tar public_html
> This will put all the files in the public_html- and subdirectories into the
> tar-file. It will save all the path information starting with public_html
> Now you can compress it with
> gzip website.tar
> And you end up with a file called "website.tar.gz"

This will work fine if you have the disk space...
if not use this approach:

  ruser = the remote user
  rhost = the remote hostname

  tar czvf - /tree_root | rsh -l ruser rhost 'tar xzf -'

You may have to source and destination in the
above to get the results you need.

John Darrah (u05192)    | Dept: N/C Programming
Giddens Industries      |
PO box 3190             | Ph: (206) 767-4212 #229
Everett  WA    98203    | Fx: (206) 764-9639

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