I want to thank all of those who took the time to respond to my plea for help.  
Unfortunately, many of the responses, I did not quite understand...  I will reply to 
all of your comments with one e-mail...

<<<Try using `LBA' mode in your computer's BIOS.  Be sure you have a resuce

What the H*&* is LBA mode and why should I do this??  I had just had the system 
running yesterday and re-installed because I accidentally wiped out a couple of my 
higher partitions playing with linux fdisk.  It was running for two weeks now and was 
trying to go the next step and install DOS

<<<Copy your vmlinuz-2.0.32 to your dos partition as vmlinuz.32 into a
<<<directory called c:\loadlin

This is a bit of a catch-22.  I have been trying to install DOS partition, so I 
obviously don't have one yet.  If I did, I would'nt be complaining...

<<boot from the install floppy, at the lilo boot prompt type the following: linux 
single <<root=/dev/hdx initrd= where x is your linux root partition.
<<Now go in and rerun lilo. Reboot and you should be back in business.  There is also a

Been there, done that, no luck.  Running lilo from /sbin it says linux added * or 
something like that and re-boot gets me right back to LIL- freeze city

<<This means that your descriptor table is corrupt. Can be a geometry mismatch. Can 
also <<be that you moved /etc/lilo/boot.b without running the map installer.
<<Try edditing /etc/lilo/disktab.

Ok, edit it, and then what.  What do I do with disktab ?  What could possibly be 
corrupted, I removed everything and wiped my disk clean and started re-install from 
scratch, out of the box.  It worked last week, why not now...?

<<<reboot to dos or 95 and fdisk /mbr and then install linux again
<<<if u want do that,then use dd commands right way,if u have linux on master
<<<bootsector make so then,if u master bootsector is /dev/hda or something

This is good, if I reinstall using MBR, can I later move it to first track of hda1 or 
am I stuck with this.  I want to get linux off my MBR so I can go right to putting DOS 
on so my business voicemail can get back in operation.

<<<where else will people that can find the time use it to help YOU, with nothing to 
gain but <<<maybe an occasional thank you?  Try taking your aggressions out on a 
punching bag or <<<a golf ball or something.

Or we just go out and buy NT or Win95 as bad as it is, it works out of the box every 
time I have installed it.  All this talk about Microsoft taking over the world.  
Nonsense.  If linux worked out of the box so you could run a word processor, check 
your e-mail and actually run >90% of time, then perhaps it would have a fighting 
chance.  You guys are all great, but the package isn't there yet.  Until then, all 
this talk is just that, talk.  Perhaps we should be spending our energy fixing these 
stupid bugs making linux work for the average person right out of the box than sit 
here and blab about how bad Microsoft is...


Michael Hatzakis Jr, MD
Resident Physiatrist - R3
Department of Rehabilitation
Thomas Jefferson University Medical Center
Philadelphia, PA, 19026


-----Original Message-----
From:   Dave Wreski [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent:   Wednesday, May 06, 1998 1:39 AM
To:     Red Hat List Serv (E-mail)
Subject:        Re: Install Hangs up

> I go to /sbin and run lilo, says Added linux *, reboot and the system
> still hangs up at LIL- ... 

I think this is an indication either you moved /boot/map without rerunning
lilo, or your disk geometry doesn't match.

Try using `LBA' mode in your computer's BIOS.  Be sure you have a resuce
disk, as I don't think the machine will boot after modifying the BIOS
parameters.  Try using the 'linux ... initrd=' method you posted earlier,
else the rescue disks.

Damn I hate lilo problems.  These should have been fixed log ago..

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