On Wed, 6 May 1998, Michael Hatzakis, Jr MD wrote: 

> Or we just go out and buy NT or Win95 as bad as it is, it works out of
> the box every time I have installed it. All this talk about Microsoft
> taking over the world. Nonsense. If linux worked out of the box so
> you could run a word processor, check your e-mail and actually run
> 90% of time, then perhaps it would have a fighting chance.  You guys
> are all great, but the package isn't there yet.  Until then, all this
> talk is just that, talk.  Perhaps we should be spending our energy
> fixing these stupid bugs making linux work for the average person
> right out of the box than sit here and blab about how bad Microsoft
> is...

Michael, Michael...MICHAEL!!!...cool down, it's okay, it's us...your

You sound so much like me 2 months ago when I was on the urge of giving
up because of things that worked yesterday and don't today. I was
cursing at my box, Linux, the day I decided to change my typewriter for
a PC... But at least I knew that going back to Windows wasn't an option
so I spend 4 more nights and suddenly everything fell into place. Now
I'm running Linux most of the time - still need Win 3.11 for the faxing
but not for long anymore - and I'm doing a great job. I work on 128Mb
graph files with GIMP and Windows and Photoshop can eat their hart out!

Get a sandbag, put it next to your office table and start installing
whatever you want to install in two days when you calmed down. 

Concerning Windows 95 and NT and Microsoft... You should maybe ask
yourself first what kind of work you want to get done with your computer
and then decide to get the proper software to serve your needs. If you
want to run a simple wordprocessing program and you don't care about
GPF's fu*@#ng up your work, if you don't care about having to upgrade
(=read change completely) your computer each time you want to install a
new program, if you don't mind having to spend money on new hard disks
and RAM just to type a darn letter (Office 97: 400Mb of disk space and
32Mb of RAM!!), if you don't mind paying $460,- for NT, a $1.000,- for
Office Pro or $1.300,- for Photoshop... and get the bugs for free, then
go ahead...Windows is made for you. Just remember you get 2 free calls
to Micro$oft's help desk and the rest is charged $75,- a call...Linux
mailing lists are for free!

Your statement that NT en 95 work out of the box is - I hope - due to
your present state of mind. The only thing NT and 95 do out of the box
is jump like a little devil shouting: "I'm going to get you, I'm going
to get you..." To run NT (and in a lesser form 95) you have to darn well
know what you're doing because it doesn't run by it self. NT and 95 look
like they work but underneath the "pritty" interface the disaster is
being prepared the moment you start it. I have been using NT
professionally, had a Intergraph box (the company I worked for
actually), 256 of RAM, 2 scratch disks of 700Mb each for Photoshop,
900Mb of virtual memory for NT and still had those stupid errors saying
I should close some windows (there was only one running!). I'm not even
mentioning the time I spent waiting for the files to spool for printing
and then getting a GPF 2 seconds before it was finished. I had to
reinstall the whole system twice a month and never without problems,
each time I had to change system settings I had to apply Service Pack 3
solving some bugs and introducing new ones... So, please, when you get
another frustration attack, call me any names you want but never say
what you said about NT and 95 in your last meassage. It's a very touchy
subject here with me and my partner. We calculated to have lost 3
assignments due to Windows inavailabilaty and 1 year, 4 months and 2
days out of the 2.5 in "administrating" it.

Your hope of making Linux accessible to an average user will stay
that...a hope. Computers are not simple and made for average users. They
are complicated and demand some knowledge. Because, without that
knowledge - even if its basic - you're not a user, you're just clicking
on buttons. The fact that Windows is being used by average clickers is
because behind them there are professionals supporting them when they
get in trouble. I'm sure you never visited a help desk of a computer or
software manufacturer, right!? 

Maybe it doesn't look like that, but this was "just" my $0,02...

  ZOKI, Images
  Creation d'images & traitement numerique
  Image creation & digital tweaking

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So, where do you want to go tomorrow? To your local shop to get

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