You know I'm second guessing myself now on why I even joined this mailing list, most of you try to help and the help is appreciated, myself I try not to even send anything unless it's an answer to someone or a question. Evidently I insulted some people because I was using stationary in my e-mail, excuse me, just trying to live in the 20th century here. I ask a couple of questions and got some good responses from serious people who are trying to help, then you get the guys out here that worry more about what language you use to express yourself or what format your e-mail is in than they do about the content of the e-mail. I'm all for the R rated mailing list, then at least maybe I'll be dealing with all adults. Let's all grow up and try to help each other, most of us are trying to get the same results. For the ones who are offended by every other e-mail...maybe you should start your own list that caters to whiners and babies...
Rick Perry

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