Vidiot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> el día Wed, 10 Nov 1999 15:37:03 -0600 
(CST), escribió:

Rick, I've warned you privately of this, and you make the mistake
again !?

sending a nice gif and html in every email, is not to live in 20th 
century, is an act of inmense stupidity.

please, read what Vidiot say:

>Rick, take a look at this copy of your posting to the list.  Notice how
>LONG it is.  It a waste of net bandwidth and disk space.
>HTML e-mail is not good.  It is a very stupid idea forced on to us by
>the stupid OS company, MicroSh!t.  It does not gain you anything at all,
>except to piss of people who's mail readers can't deal with it correctly.
>Not everything in the 20th Century is good, and HTML e-mail is one such
>That is why a majority of e-mail lists BAN the use of HTML e-mail.
>So, do yourself, and everyone you send e-mail to, a favor and turn off HTML
>e-mail and set it for text only.  You will make a lot of people happy and
>maybe, they'll see the questions you have and respond to them.  Don't try 
>ram HTML e-mail down people's throats, as they will only resent it.
>BTW, also learn to press the enter key before each line of your e-mail
>reaches the 80th character position.  Why?  Because your paragraphs go out
>as ONE LONG LINE and on many mail readers the lines will NOT word wrap.
>That means lines will wrap in the middle of words.  I use the ELM 
>mail reader because I can read my e-mail from anywhere via a telnet 
>I hope this helps you understand where many of us come from regarding this
>very important topic.

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