I have no desire to start a distro war.  I'm sure all distrobutions are
wonderful for somebody.  

My two favorites are RedHat and Debian.  

*The* reason I prefer Debian is apt

I've just been put in charge of a bunch of RedHat boxes at the company I
just started working at.  I have no objection to the selected
distrobution, nor do I have any intention of, nor desire to change them.  

My one frustration is the difficulty in locating and installing packages.
Yes, RPMs are, for this, much more convienient than tarballs.  But I think
adding apt (or something similar -- I'm sure apt is GPLed, and I would
actually prefer the use of apt, assuming it could be adapted) would be

Being able to do

 apt-get install ssh

And know that that will download everything (including other packages it
may depend on) necessary to install ssh, install it, and start up the
server, is mighty convienient.

rpmfind is a nice start, but 1) I don't believe it's even supported by
RedHat, and 2) apt is better.

Being able to do 

 apt-get dist-upgrade

and automatically download the current versions of all installed packages,
and upgrade them, is also rather convienient.  

Again, I'm not trying to start a war.  
I'm just asking for apt-like capabilities in RedHat.

I'm also open to the possibility that I've missed something, and that
RedHat's got a similar or better solution that I have not heard of.  I'd
be happy to hear it.

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