At 09:48 AM 12/2/99 +1300, you wrote:
>Never heard of it being a problem before. What's your source on this?
>You could always invest in shielded LAN cabling, I suppose... or use coax
>-- Juha
Unless you really know what you are doing, shielded CAT 5 will probably
give you more problems...  Normal CAT 5 actually has less noise problems
the coax...  Besides, you will have a hard time finding 100mb cards that
will accept coax...

>> I am trying to find definitive information on the topic of wiring a house
>> for a 100baseT network. I have concerns about the effects of the
>> electromagnetic field around standard house electrical wiring affecting my
>> network cabling.
>> My current understanding is that you want to keep the cat5 12 or more
>> inches away from the electrical wiring, and if you have to cross wires, do
>> it at 90 degrees (rigth angles)
>> What I don't know is how badly can this effect the wiring. Do the problems
>> compound as the number of crosses or close contact with electrical wiring
>> increases? How close can they go without serious efects.
90 degree crossings do not introduce enough noise to matter.  For
residential applications, having the CAT 5 and the power wires
running next to each other for short distances ( < 6' ) will not
cause problems, unless it is the AC feed.  With the cable lengths
usually involved in a house, you have a lot of tolerance to
interference.  As long as you do a good job of terminating, and
don't put any sharp bends in the cable, you will be fine.
CAT 5 is actualy fairly forgiving untill you get cable lengths
over 200'.

(I know of commercial installations that have the cable running
across the florescent lights, and as long as the runs are less
the 150', it still passes...)

Now if you want a CAT 5 cable to fail in testing, put a couple
of kinks in it...


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