12x3 and 14x3 are shorthand descriptions for two types of electrical wire.
The first number specifies the diameter (gauge) of non-ferrous (usually
copper) wire using AWG (American Wire Gauge) units; 12 gauge wire is 2.0mm
in diameter and 14 gauge wire is 1.60mm.  The second number specifies the
number of conducting wires in a cable, not including the safety ground, or
earth, wire.  Both types, I believe, can be used for 230 VAC (the 12x2
certainly can be), though most common applications in the U.S. are for
115-120 VAC circuits.

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, Thomas Ribbrock (Design/DEG) wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 01, 1999 at 01:16:25PM -0600, Scott Skrogstad wrote:
> [...]
> > Of course don't run your CAT5 Wiring along the same path as your standard
> > 12x3 or 14x3  in house wire.  
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Ok, I'll bite: What on earth is that?
> I have the faint suspicion it's something I'd call "NYM" (if I want to
> be technical) or simply "230V cabling"... - right?
> Cheerio,
> TRi

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