I would stick to either anything with a TNT2 chip or the Matrox G400,
both rock in FPS performance and XWindows...

I like the Viper550, 16 meg, AGP, it is a TNT card, but with the
emergence of the Viper770, the v550 can be had for like $85 bucks.

Just my two cents..

Steven Hildreth
Information Technology Manager
Aprotex Corporation, http://www.aprotex.com
"Proven Property Protection Since 1952"

----- Original Message -----
From: "David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 7:34 PM
Subject: OT: Game Machine

> Hello All,
> Sorry for the off post here, I'm in the process of setting up an
> Interenet Cafe, and along with the Coffee roasting, will also have,
> coarse,  some machines for gaming on.
> I'm looking at 16 game boxes, combined with surfing, and am planning
> throwing Linux in the boxes for the gaming and some surfing.
> The basic box will be: 1\ 500 mhz CPU (Athlon or Pentium )
>                                   2\ 64 meg of ram
>                                   3\ 17 inch monitor .26
>                                   4\ keyboard, mouse.....
>                                   5\ 6.4 gig drive ide 7200
> Now what i would like to know from the gamers here, is a suitable
> card , compatable with Linux, that will give great performance on a
> Linux box, performance is
> the issue i'm looking at here rather than price.
> Right now were planning on running all the games put out by Loki
> http://www.lokigames.com/ .
> Were still in the process of getting our startup expenses together
> these boxes were going to have, so any help or info would be a big
> for us....
> Oh yes, one more thing, I have been on the look out for management
> software for the boxes themselves for Linux, which would be
> with Windows, for the user
> management for computer use in the Cafe, or even a card swiping
> that will work with Linux...
> Once again, thanking you in advance.
> David
> --
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