On Mon, 20 Dec 1999, Andy Thomas wrote:
> say, "tech support?"
> To me one of the issues is that the keyboard is far superior to the mouse,
> and MSFT lied has lied about that ever since win 3.0 with their, "studies
> show that the mouse increases productivity" bs.  The truth is that the
> mouse gets you up and running very quickly, then limits you.  A person
> knowing how to use the keyboard will almost without exception be more
> productive than the mouse user.

depends on what you're doing... if you need a gui, then the mouse can be a
useful thing. for example: how functional would gimp be using only the
keyboard? i think htat plotting out the coordinates of a shape would be
much harder than just drawing it.

like everything else, i like a balance. though i think replacing
command.com with bash.exe wouldn't be a bad thing overall :)


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