What you will probably want to do is go to your favorite search
engine and look for "The Volano Report" or some such thing.  This
report shows how JVMs stack up on differing platforms and also
compares several different JVMs on the same platform.  The IBM jdk
is pretty good at performance, but there was another Linux JVM offering
whose name I don't recall that running on Linux benched faster
than any other, bar none, in performance.  This JVM in fact was tuned
for Java server/serverlet performance and the benchmarks had to do
with socket requests/sec.

If you know C++, then obviously Java is a relatively easy step for
you once you get used to the automated garbage collection.  (If you
remove all "pointer" referances to a datum, then the JVM knows that
and will free() the memory for you, etc....)  However, I must admit
that perl should be faster by many miles, especially if you can
use mod_perl or some other type of apache extension so you cut down
on prcoess spawning and keep it "in thread".  Perl is something
that needs to be taken a step at a time.  There just is simply no
way a novice programmer will throw something togeather right away
that is truely bullet proof, however I don't want to discourage you
from makeing movement in that general direction, just be realistic
about what you're likely to accomplish in the next 3-6 months.

My advice would be to start with Java, then make a longer term
migration to perl or some other base as you are able.

On Wed, Jan 05, 2000 at 12:16:35AM +0100, Marc Van Olmen wrote:
> Hi,
> has anyone tried out the Java development tools from IBM on Redhat:
> http://www.ibm.com/developer/linux/
> http://www-4.ibm.com/software/webservers/appserv/download_linux.html
> I'm still evaluating what I should choose to build my first ever e-commerce
> website. Should I go for Websphere or any other java solutions, or should I
> choose a Perl way to do it... I know that i will still need some perl
> scripts for some part of the site, but i'm talking about communicating with
> SQL database. I'm a pretty heavy c++ programmer which a small knowlegde of
> java (I never wrote a Perl script....)
> marc
> -- 
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J. Scott Kasten

jsk AT tetracon-eng DOT net

"That wasn't an attack.  It was preemptive retaliation!"

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