----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Galpin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2000 6:17 PM
Subject: [OT] Re: Speaking about Java and linux

> On Tue, 4 Jan 2000, Brad 'GreyBear' Davis wrote:
> > As for how to do DB connectivity I don't think you necessarily have to
> > Perl at all, although it's a cool language. It depends a lot on who
needs to
> > access the DB, where they need access and whether you always need or
> > want a GUI to the DB. We're developing a Perl interface to PostgreSQL
> > our backend web processing of orders, but I'll probably develop a
> > interface to the DB so regular mortals can add items to the DB using a
> > friendly easy to use app to do so.
> I love Perl, so don't think I'm super biased towards Java or something (or
> though it does have it's place like most things).
> This sounds like duplicated work. If you are going to write some in Java,
> then run Java servlets and reuse the code - as long as you write it
> properly you can easily seperate the GUI code from the DB logic. You can
> also put a Tk front end to perl and reuse code that way. I wouldn't use
> both if there is any overlap in functionality.
Good points, but for us the differences in how the data gets used and
displayed makes it easier for me to do them the way we are. Or maybe I'm
just getting old and rigid... #8^D

> >
> > If you do C++ you'll do fine with either Java or Perl. The right tool
> > the right job is the important thing, IMHO. I went the other way,
learned C,
> > skipped C++ and went straight to Perl and finally Java. They finally
made me
> > do OOP anyway... #8^D
> He, I've seen lots of pretty good C++ programmers not at all comfortable
> with perl, so i don't think that's necessarily true. I totally agree about
> C++ --> Java though. Piece of cake. Also please don't forget that as long
> as you are not anal retentive and can see past things like enforced data
> privacy, you can also write lovely object oriented Perl too, and enjoy all
> the features of oop. In fact half the time people are writing perl they
> are using objects and don't even know it. :)
Heh, true, which is why I said they fooled me into OOP at last.

> Oh, and perl has more than sufficient DB access libs to do your e-commerce
> website, so don't let that be a deciding factor to go to Java.
Again, totally agreed. I wrote a patient record access system to an SQL DB
totally in perl, including the web interface. It's actually pretty amazing.
All praise Larry and Randy! ;^)


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