It just happens that my laptop (pII 450 , 128 m) is my main machine and that I have 
ISP's depending on where I am. 
I just don't see why it would not run on it. I always run sendmail on my machine, 
laptop or not. It actually does today, EXCEPT that masquerading doesn't work for me.   

I know, I should switch config each time I move. (smtp server when using cable modem,
smtp server when connected through dialup modem, smtp server when working at my work 
place, other server when going to some labs I work with ...).
Since I am tele-commuting (big distance), I think being able to have my own sendmail 
would be a nice thing to have . For me : not for anybody else.


Chuck Mead <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sun, 9 Jan 2000, Philippe Moutarlier said:
> PM>
> PM>tried it : just the same. 
> PM>
> PM>Well, I guess I have to find somebody who really understand what sendmail is 
> PM>
> PM>I read the file I was pointed to , did what they say to no avail. The funny thing 
>is they claim 
> PM>it became a very well known issue that they can describe very well. 
> PM>
> PM>I tried linuxconf, masquerade and also set some masquerade rules (to be sure !!!)
> PM>
> PM>Nothing seems possible : sendmail insists on putting my machine name in front of
> PM>the domain name !!!!!
> PM>
> PM>Now, I am in trouble as more and more people seem to implement anti-spamming 
> PM>They will not receive spam from me, that is this only thing I am sure about !
> PM>
> PM>thanks to evryone who tried to help .
> You wanna run sendmail on a laptop?
> Why?  I do mail for a living and I don't run it on my laptop... what do you want
> to do with it?
> -- 
> Chuck Mead, CTO, MoonGroup Consulting, Inc. <>
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Public key available at:
> 11:25pm  up 6 days, 18:54,  2 users,  load average: 0.27, 0.25, 0.59
> -- 
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