Hello Philippe,

Thursday, December 30, 1999, 12:01:37 AM, you wrote:

PM> I am using sendmail to send messages I compose with emacs/gnus.

PM> My domain name is : kscable.com
PM> My machine name is : saturne

PM> Now, I get (some) mails rejected because they say that the sender
PM> is @saturne.kscable.com and that the domain saturne.kscable.com doesn't exist 
(sure !!).

PM> I set up my sendmail, using linuxconf, to advertise my outgoing mail as coming 
PM> @kscable.com and I can see my emacs header doing the same right now.

PM> I even took off this weird thing in sendmail.el which adds a "Sender:" field behind
PM> your back that I don't want.

PM> Any sggestions ?

PM> Philippe

 Open /etc/sendmail.cf in your choice of editor, and search for: 'DM',
 minus the quotes. If it isn't found, put it somewhere at the top of
 the file with DMkscable.com (yes, together, no space). This'll solve
 your problem.

Lee Smallbone

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