> From: Enrico Payne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Recently my server stopped printing to my remote printers.
> When doing a restart "printer" with the lpc utility, I get the following
> response:
> -------------------------
> email: no daemon to abort
> email:
> lpc: connect: Connection refused
>        couldn't start daemon
> ----------------------------
> The lpd daemon is running when I try this, although I have also tried this
> with out the lpd daemon running.
> I am not sure if this is permissions related, or if there is something
> more serious. 
> Any one else have any ideas/solutions?
> Regards
> Enrico

You might want to include what version of RH your are using.  Have you
applied all the updates?  There are some recently released updates to
the lpr RPM - that could be the problem.  If you haven't already, you
might want to subscribe to the redhat-announce (or maybe redhat-watch)
to get an e-mail when updates are released.


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