On Wed, Jan 12, 2000 at 10:35:58AM -0600, Jim Morris wrote:


> If you sign up with BellSouth's ADSL server, be aware that their
> installers are basically told NOT to hook up to anything other than
> a Windows 95/98 or *NT Workstation* box.  I knew they only wanted to
> install on a Windows box, so I had Windows NT *Server* 4 SP3 running
> on a 500MB partition on my Linux box, when the installer got here.
> He balked, but I showed him their WWW page, that made no distinction
> of "Server" or "Workstation" - just "NT". He did say if I *ever*
> called their tech support, to say I was running NT Workstation, and
> never to mention NT Server, or Linux, or they might cut me off.
> So, I've been running my Linux box on Bellsouth for months now, but
> just think you need to be aware that they are NOT Linux-friendly....

I think this is all disinformation being supplied to installers by
their employers (usually contractors). I've called tech support and I
tell them just what I am running, the answer was 'I run Redhat at home
too' ;). They could actually care less. They don't 'support' it in the
sense that they will not help setup or troubleshoot unsupported
platforms -- mainly because they are not trained for it.

This has come up in the ADSL support NG (bellsouth.net.support.adsl),
and both techs that post there have said -- no problem. In fact linux
comes up there fairly often. Occasionally, Solaris and BSD. They have
gone so far as to say if anyone is refused an installation on these
grounds, to call the ADSL helpdesk to get it straightened out. There
may be a bit of redtape, but you can get it installed on any platform.

Hal B
            Linux helps those who help themselves

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