I'm having 4 continuing problems with my RH6.1 install.

1. named does not automatically execute on reboot. I have to do this manually
/usr/sbin/named  not a big deal and I could tie this into a script but isn't
this supposed to start automatically under RH6.1?

2. I can't access my pop3 servers. I can smtp from them and receive mail on the
server. I can access that mail with the mail command on the command line or with
pine but not with a remote pop3 client.  The client just hangs and eventually
returns a message that the server is not accessible and to contact the sys
I've always been able to access the pop3 mail server under RH6.0 -- what make
the difference now?

3. .sh scripts no longer execute. Message is file cannot be found -- but it is

4. linuxconf -- how do I get it to properly display in telnet mode?  Just a
legible character interface -- not garbled all over the telnet screen?


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