Hi all.  Please comment on the following:

We are wanting to replace our current method of backing up our fileserver
(which is via a tape drive) by making our fileserver redundant.  That is,
another machine that will be a live mirror of the "in-use" fileserver.  If
anything on the active fileserver fails, we'd like things to fail-over to
the redunant server so that the users won't see a single hiccup.
Our fileservers run RHL 6.1, BTW, with the latest stable kernel (2.2.14 at

Where do I begin?  Is this possible?

I've seen much support for raid devices in mirroring drives in the same
computer, but no Linux support for mirroring drives to another computer.
Are there better alternatives than the idea presented here?

Our monetary goals for this are aimed here --> all free software, or very
low cost; hardware for a standard fileserver (like we already have) is
already available less a hard drive, so we look to purchase ony a matching
hard drive for that which is in our current fileserver.

Your comments, suggestions, and recommendataions are appreciated.

Kevin A. Pieckiel

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