At 11:02 PM 1/15/00 -0600, you wrote:
>anyone knows which sql database server is better? I recently printed out
>the Postgresql HOWTO, but after reading its very emotional statements, I
>kind of get confused. Is mySQL better?

FWIW, I researched this and decided I could use whichever was easier to
install and use.  That turned out to be MySQL because I was using Perl and
the postgresql DBI module refused to install and no one knows (or is
saying) why.  MySQL was a breeze.  If COMMIT and ROLLBACK are important or
you need "true" foreign keys, then you probably need postgresql (I think
there are workarounds on the mysql website).  I seem to recall that mysql
provides more datatypes--which you will want to be careful with if you want
portable SQL.

The licensing arrangements make the open postgresql more attractive, AOTE,
for someone who is going to sell or install the SQL database in return for
money (or possibly not in return for money--read the licence).  My
impression is that to, say, just set up MySQL on your machine and use it
was free regardless of what your machine is doing or how much revenue it's
making.  So I don't see the MySQL license as highly restictive.
Alan D. Mead  /  Research Scientist  /  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Institute for Personality and Ability Testing
1801 Woodfield Dr  /  Savoy IL 61874 USA
217-352-4739 (v)  /  217-352-9674 (f)

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