* Bret Hughes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> I have a java program that spits out messages to standard out
> periodically.  This program will run indefinetly and when I redirect the
> output the file gets pretty big >10MB after a week or so.  There is a
> bunch of debug stuff in there right now and the production version will
> not have quite so much stuff in it but that is another story...
> My questions are these:  How does the shell handle redirected output? 
> Does it just append to the file and not use a copy of the file in
> memory?

The stuff get's poored straight into the file. No memory overhead
> Can I use logrotate to manage this file by using the copy/truncate
> function?  The ability to email the old file seems pretty cool and would
> be very useful.

Yeah, logrotate will work fine. (Its designed to be able to rotate
files which are still open and in use by programs).

> Any Ideas or input would be appreciated.
> Bret Hughes

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