On Wed, Jan 19, 2000 at 01:32:09PM -0800, linda hanigan wrote:
> Hi all,
> Now that I have my Linux network up and running
> well. I need to start mixing windows in. A few
> questions
> I want to be able to share printers and telnet my Linux
> box from win. I guess I am still stuck in dumb terminal
> mode but I can't see any reason to have a shared file
> system.

There is a free java X server that runs under Windows.  With it you could
run apps from the Linux box and display them to the Windows box.

Samba will allow you to share printers.

Either IP masquerading or a HTTP proxy (like squid) will allow you to
share the internet connection.  It depends on what your needs are on the
Windows boxes.

Steve Borho                       Voice:  314-615-6349
Network Engineer
Celox Communications Corp

Fortune of the day:
War spares not the brave, but the cowardly.
                -- Anacreon

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