
Thanks.. Yes I have been dialing in to freewwweb.com via Linux. I use Kppp
using PAP. Need the DNS numbers, (primary and secondary Also note that the user name is your entire e-mail address for
login purposes not just the username by itself. That hung me up for several
days till I read through their how to connect page thoroughly. The only
thing I have not been able to get working is there news service. I believe
it to be there actual news server though as I have had no problems up till
about 3 weeks ago. I sent a message to there support staff about a week ago
but no answer yet. I think they are still trying to work the bugs out of
their fast growing network. I have also noticed some mail server problems
from time to time. But all in all for being a free connect ISP with the only
requirement is that you place home.freewwweb.com as your browser startup
page you can not loose. I have never had a connection problem with them and
carry multiple user names and passwords. I have noticed on the list that
they limit access but I have yet to see a problem with the number of hours
connected. I stay connected probably 300 + hours per month with no problem.
I used own/operate an ISP but sold out after competition finally got to the
point where it was just not worth the trouble nor were we making money just
breaking even. It is a big step backwards as far as speed for the old modem
vs. the T-1 I used to enjoy. I am in an area where ADSL is not available yet
so no luck there either.

Anyway thanks and I will get on to that IP masquerade so I can get my home
networked as we were before.

Thanks so much,

Eddie Strohmier

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Reed <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: Home network

> > Resent-Cc:
> > MBOX-Line: From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Jul  4 17:31:41 2000
> > From: "E. Stroh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 16:31:45 -0500
> >
> > Hello:
> >
> > I am trying to connect a home network via a ppp connection to the net
> > was wondering if anyone knew of a good tutorial out there that I could
> > follow. I had this same network, (RH 6.0, RH 6.2, and win98 boxes)
> > to a cisco 2501 router and had no problems configuring that but now I
> > to configure via my server that will now dial into an ISP via PAP and
> > forward to my existing intranet.  All machines are in an ethernet
> > via a lan device. I have been able to connect my server to the net via
> > but can not seem to get the server to forward packets properly or the
> > receiving machines to accept them properly. I know I am missing
> > simple probably in routing or DNS and I think a good tutorial would help
> > find my error. I am using a RH 6.2 machine to connect via ppp link.
> >
> > Thanks In Advance
> >
> > Eddie Strohmier
> I answered your question on the list (IP-Masquerade HOWTO is well
> written and provides explicit instructions) and then I noticed your
> e-mail address.
> Do you have freewwweb.com working under Linux as your ISP?  If so, is
> there anything special you need to do or is it straight PAP?
> Thanks,
> Dave

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