Got it working, by following Hal's webpage.  The only bits that were unclear
were the xset bit which I assumed you couldn't do in X and also I was unsure
whether you required the unix:/-1 bit in XF86Config if I wasn't upgrading
from RH5.  I put it in anyway.  My fonts are visible to everything except
WP8.  The font.alias file is labourius effort but I've set it up for arial
and webpages look much better. Is there anywhere you can get additional
type1 fonts? Ta everyone. NH
>From: "Neil Hollow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Truetype fonts in RH6.0
>Date: Mon, Feb 7, 2000, 10:58 am

>I've had a look at your web page I'll try from the start again.  I did get
>some errors so I'll try with just a few d fonts and take it form there.  Ta.
>>From: Hal Burgiss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: Re: Truetype fonts in RH6.0
>>Date: Fri, Feb 4, 2000, 4:41 pm
>>On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 03:45:05PM +0000, Neil Hollow wrote:
>>> Thanks for your help.  The Then restart xfs, and 'xset +fp
>>> <new_path>' and 'xset fp rehash' just to be clear is that what I
>>> type or do I enter the font path name <new_path> here and rehash is
>>> what I type?  
>>Substitute whatever the real path name is for the font dir in place of
>><new_path>. Then, 'xset fp rehash' (without quotes). You also need to
>>add the new fontpath of xfs's fontpath:
>> chkfontpath --add <whatever_new_fontpath_is>
>>before restarting xfs.
>>> Also I put the fonts in dir TrueType rather than
>>> truetype -assume this doesn't matter.  Ta. NH
>>If you are asking whether the case matters or not, I do not believe so
>>for the dir name, but for font file names, yes it does. Both need to
>>be world readable too.
>>Hal B
>>            Linux helps those who help themselves
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