Steve- Since no one else has chimed in here I will give it a shot. Fisrt
there is really not enough in give a definitive answer but I would use
linuxconf to "add a route to other host" or something like that. I am
guessing that you have a gateway to the internet and all connections to
hosts other than those on your local private ip numbered network go to the
gateway and then out to the internet.
If this is the case I would add a route on the gateway to the machine of
interest using the local network interface. That way when a machine on the
LAN tries to get to the real ip machine it will go to the gateway as
normal and the gateway will forward it back out the same interface since
it knows that machine is on the lan. I believe that will work. But makes
several assumptions as noted.
You could also add a route on each machine that needs to connect to the
real ip machine but if it is all of them the gateway is definitely the way
to go.
If this is not your set up let the list know what the situation is :
gateways, LAN configuration, etc and I am sure someone can help.
Steve Lee wrote:
> how do i setup the nework so it can route
> a internet ip from another machine.
> i can't seem to get it to connect to the
> other machine using the real ip address.
> only one i can get it to work is the internal
> network ip.
> help.
> --
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