
Sorry for being so slow to get back to this.  Based on what you said
below, shouldn't the RPM in Red Hat 6.2 be called gcc-2.95-2 (if it's the
latest) instead of showing egcs in the system?  I guess what I'm trying to
determine is:

   1) Did Red Hat take the latest combined effort of both groups
      and call it egcs?

   2) Is the version of egcs still the release prior to when both
      groups got back together to work the combined version?

   3) Is this version of egcs actually the combined effort and is
      gcc-2.95-2, and Red Hat elected to continue calling it
      egcs instead of gcc-2.95-2.

Sorry for the complete newbieness here, and I also apologize for being so
slow to grasp the complete picture here, but I was really hoping that the
6.2 version would included gcc-2.95-2.  Please help me to understand the
big picture.

- Mike

On 11 Feb 2000, Dominic Mitchell wrote:

> As of gcc-2.95.1 gcc and egcs teams are working together which
> means that egcs is part of gcc-2.95.  I think the latest version
> is gcc-2.95.2.  Hey I still have the announcement of the release
> of gcc-2.95.  Here it is:
>    July 31, 1999
>    The GNU project and the GCC/EGCS developers are pleased to announce
>    the release of GCC version 2.95. GCC used to stand for the GNU C
>    Compiler, but since the compiler supports several other languages
>    aside from C, it now stands for the GNU Compiler Collection.
>    This is the first release of GCC since the April 1999 GCC/EGCS
>    reunification and includes nearly a year's worth of new development
>    and bugfixes.
>    The whole suite has been extensively [1]regression tested and
>    [2]package tested. It should be reliable and suitable for widespread
>    use.
>    The compiler has several new optimizations, new targets, new languages
>    and other new features. See the [3]new features page for a more
>    complete list of new features found in the GCC 2.95 releases.
>    The sources include installation instructions in both HTML and
>    plaintext forms in the install directory in the distribution. However,
>    the most up to date [4]installation instructions and [5]build/test
>    status are on the web pages. We will update those pages as new
>    information becomes available.
>    The GCC developers would like to thank the numerous people that have
>    contributed new features, test results, bugfixes, etc to GCC. This
>    [6]amazing group of volunteers is what makes GCC successful.
>    And finally, we can't in good conscience fail to mention some
>    [7]caveats to using GCC 2.95.
>    Download GCC 2.95 from the [8]GNU FTP server (
>    Download GCC 2.95 from the [9]GCC/EGCS FTP server
>    (
>    [10]Find a GNU mirror site
>    [11]Find a GCC/EGCS mirror site
>    For additional information about GCC please see the [12]GCC project
>    web server or contact the [13]GCC development mailing list.
>      _________________________________________________________________
> References
>    1.
>    2.
>    3.
>    4.
>    6.
>    6.
>    7.
>    8.
>    9.
> l
>   10.
>   11.
>   12. http://egcs.cygnus.coms/index.html
>   13. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
>   Dominic Mitchell             Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Department of Economics      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Queen's University
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>   Canada, K7L 3N6            Le XXI siècle débute le 2001-01-01!
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> -- 
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