Vidiot wrote:
> Redhat 6.0
> bind rpms for bind-8.2.2_P3-1
> Didn't know there was a security hole until it bit me :-(
> In any event, named is supposed to be able to be restarted using:
>         /etc/rc.d/init.d/named start
> But, all that happens is "Starting named:"  No OK, no nothing.  The stop
> worked.  Tried it a couple of times.  Finally just did a:
>         ndc start
> and that worked great.
> I've noticed this problem with sendmail as well.  Sometimes it just takes
> more than once to get it to work.  Any ideas why?
> MB
> --

There are newer RPMS for bind P5 as far as i know that take care of yet
an additional exploit found. I would sugget you visit and
check that out. 

As far as sendmail is concerned the restart wont work as long as there
are multiple instances of sendmail running, if there is only one, then
the restart will work. Notice if you do a stop, then look at the ps,
there may be more running, and doing another stop will stop that
additional sendmail process. You must stop until they are all dead, then
the restart will work, as well as the start.


Michael B. Weiner
Systems Administrator/Partner
The UserFriendly Network (UFN)

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